L.Ac., DIPL.O.M., DIPL.C.H., M.Q.P.
Founder of Asclepia Wellness Centers
Physician of Chinese Medicine
Licensed Acupuncturist
Trauma Recovery Coach
Spiritual Coach
Holistic Nutritionist
Movement Therapy Teacher
Qigong, Tai Chi and Meditation Teacher
Founder of Internal Harmonic Resonance Practice
Providing a nurturing and healing environment where people can access & discover their innate curative abilities.
Serving the community by assisting in the recovery process.
Marc A. Gomez is a 39th generation physician of Chinese medicine, licensed acupuncturist, trauma recovery coach, herbal pharmacologist, holistic nutritionist and movement therapy teacher. Marc has been practicing Chinese medicine, teaching chi gong, tai chi, medical chi gong, and meditation for over thirty-two years. He has a Certificate in Jungian studies from the C .G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles and has also been part of a C. G. Jung Collected Works book reading group led by a senior analyst for over 10 years.
Marc has been avidly pursuing in depth personal studies of the Jungian psychoanalytical process for over eighteen years, which gives him a unique ability to help others heal on a deep archetypal level. He is also the former Executive Director of the American Institute of Mental Health in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Marc currently has a private practice in Los Angeles and works as a private contractor at several substance abuse treatment centers and sober livings.
Marc is a former associate of the Tao of Wellness, a world-renowned wellness clinic in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, where he completed a special two-year fellowship, specializing in TCM psychiatry, mental health disorders, substance abuse, chemical dependency, anxiety disorders, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. He completed an internship in integrative pain management at the Venice Family Clinic. He also completed a special internship in TCM Gynecology at the Second Hospital of TCM in Sichuan, China and an internship in Oncology at the Sichuan Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital in Sichuan, China.
Marc completed a 200-hour study course in meditation and medical qigong meditation prescription exercises at the International Institute of Medical Qigong and completed over 400 hours of study in qigong, medical qigong, and Taoist meditation at Yo San University. Marc has also practiced with and apprenticed under many great qigong masters and movement therapists gaining over 50,000 hours of experience in the field of medical qigong and movement therapy. He strongly believes in a holistic approach to wellness by addressing ones spirit, mind, body, soul and emotional well-being.